Firebase Admin SDK Now with modules

~/Documents/projects/firebase-app — -bash
$ npm i firebase-admin@exp
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase-admin/app'; import { getAuth } from 'firebase-admin/auth'; // You're gonna love this
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

Help test and give your feedback.

Got questions?

Is this completely modular like the new web sdk?

Not quite. We have modularized the top-level import for each Firebae Service (Auth, Firestore, RTDB, etc...). However, we have not created each piece of functionality as an individual function. The service returned by each package contains the attached methods. Check out our article for the reason behind our change.

What is this site?

This is an Early Access Program (EAP) for testing the new Firebase Admin JavaScript SDK. This site will temporarily serve as the early documentation preview before we merge the new content into the main Firebase documentation site.

What kind of feedback do you need?

Anything and everything! You are an important part of this early access program. We'd need to hear from you whether big, small, or if it's been said before. This is a significant change and we want to make sure the changes are creating a positive impact in your sites and applications.

Is this API going to change?

With your help it will! The goal of our early access program is to incorporate the feedback you provide to create a better SDK.